Fusion Engineering Academy
UKAEA is considering launching the Fusion Engineering Academy, a two-week training course aimed at engineers and scientists. It would cover a range of subjects, combining lectures, tutor sessions and relevant hands-on experience at the facilities on UKAEA’s Culham Campus.
We think that the Fusion Engineering Academy could be hugely beneficial but understand that sending employees on the course would be a big commitment. We are keen to engage with potential customers to gauge interest and to discuss the content and structure. If you would be willing to have a short call with one of our team, please email to arrange a suitable time.
The topics that could be covered include:
- Concept and subsystems of a tokamak fusion power plant
- Tokamak plasma confinement and equilibrium
- Scrape-off layer and divertor
- Plasma auxiliary heating and current drive
- Tritium breeding blanket and first wall design
- Fluids and heat transfer
- Vacuum pumping
- Cryopumping and cryoplant
- Remote maintenance
- Spherical tokamaks
- Manufacturing technologies
- Corrosion
- Tokamak magnets
- Disruptions (runaway electrons, mechanical loads, MGI, SPI)
- Safety principles
- Radiation protection
- Materials
- Fuelling and pellet injection
- Tokamak diagnostics and controls
- Responsible use of modelling and simulation
- Balance of Plant (Rankine cycle, Brayton cycle)
- Energy storage, integration with electricity grid
- Engineering projects: case studies and lessons learnt from the Office of the Chief Engineer