UK Microwaves in Beams and Plasmas

The UK Microwaves in Beams and Plasma Workshop will be held from 8 to 10 January 2024 at the Culham site near Oxford.

The Workshop aims at providing an informal and collaborative environment for the UK microwave community working on fusion plasma microwave applications. In addition, colleagues outside of UK join the workshop to discuss progress  and ongoing collaborations on an international scale. We would like to invite all those interested in microwave technologies and plasma beam propagation and attenuation to join us.

Abstract submission deadline: 30th November 2023
Please ensure your abstract is 500 words or less and is submitted as a PDF.

Local organisers: Mark Henderson and Olivia Clarkson

Scientific Co-Ordinator: Simon Freethy

For any questions or abstraction submissions please contact us at 

Sponsored By:

THz Sponsor:

MHz Sponsor:



Monday Morning Zeta Room
09:0010:00Registration and Coffee 
10:0011:00Tour of MAST 
Monday Session 1: John Adams Lecture Theatre
13:0013:20HendersonOpening talk
13:2013:40ShevchenkoECRH Progress and Plans on ST40
13:4014:00NielsonOverview of Microwave Physics and Technology at DTU
14:0014:20BiswasFully-relativistic electron Bernstein wave current drive predictions for STEP
14:2014:40DiemInitial Results from the New Pegasus-III Experiment and Plans for Microwave Heating and Current Drive
Monday Session 2: John Adams Lecture Theatre
15:1015:30AllenMAST-Upgrade Microwave HCD System In-Vessel
Component Design Update
15:3015:50PlaumSimulation of the optical ECRH launchers for the MASTU experiment with PROFUSION
15:5016:10LechteDesign of Polariser, Reflector, and Diffusor Tiles for the MASTU ECRH System
16:1016:30YoshiokaTest of 28 GHz / 35 GHz dual frequency gyrotron system for electron Bernstein wave heating and current drive in MAST Upgrade
16:3016:50SharmaSelf-consistent modelling of STEP flat-top scenario with realistic ECCD and ECCD for ramp-up and ramp-down
Monday Evening
17:30 Bus Departure for Oxford Workshop Dinner 
18:30 Drinks 
19:00 Workshop Dinner at Boat House 


Tuesday Tutorials Jalt Room
08:3009:00Coffee (Zeta) 
09:0009:20AlfMicrowave tutorial talks (source to plasma)
Tuesday Session 3: John Adams Lecture Theatre
10:3010:50YeohConceptual study on using Doppler backscattering measurements to infer the magnetic pitch angle
10:5011:10Hall-ChenSynthetic microwave diagnostics based on reduced models of plasma-wave interactions: recent progress and next steps
11:1011:30PashFree Electron MASERs a fresh Perspective
11:3011:50MacLachlanEfficient, High-Frequency Cherenkov Surface Wave Oscillators Exploiting Two-dimensional Periodic Structures
Tuesday Poster Session 1: Zeta Room
12:5014:50Blackmore, Freethy, Zhang, Goodman, Kenia, Craig, Marks, Lovell, Desai, Webster
Tuesday Session 4: John Adams Lecture Theatre
15:2015:40HigginsPlasma Density Scaling Impact on EBW Propagation and Current Drive in Spherical Tokamaks
15:4016:00PeeryStart-up in Solenoid-free STs
16:0016:20HopkinsPreliminary modelling of EBW current drive in MAST-U
16:2016:40WilsonModelling techniques for OXB mode conversion
16:4017:00MaidenMicrowave Start-up in Spherical Tokamaks: Progress, Plans and Puzzles


Wednesday Session 5 Jalt Room
08:3009:00Coffee (Zeta) 
09:2009:40Kølsen de WitA Numerical Study of Parametric Decay Instabilities in the Linear Device, PACE
09:4010:00LopezNew technique to accurately model caustics in ray-tracing codes
Wednesday Session 6: John Adams Lecture Theatre
10:3010:50LuongTunable Frequency Doppler and Cross-Polarization Scattering Systems for MAST-U (V- band, 50 – 75 GHz)
10:5011:10ChaudharyECE diagnostics at W7-X stellarator
11:1011:30RiuzBeam focusing and Airy behaviour near the turning point caustic and implications for Doppler Backscattering
11:3011:50MichaelMeasurements of core/pedestal turbulence, flow shear and mode structure in MAST-U using dual Doppler Back-scattering systems
Wednesday Poster Session 2: Zeta Room
12:5014:50Pritchard, Marsden, Selman,Vann, Spiers,Korsholm, Kim, Henderson, Senstius
Wednesday Session 7: John Adams Lecture Theatre
15:2015:40KoehnEBW-experiments on the TJ-K stellarator
16:10 Closing Remarks 

Getting to Site

We have a well-established network of public transport options, including trains and buses. You can find links to the timetables below.

Culham | Great Western Railway (

Gala dinner arrangements:

A Gala dinner is scheduled to take place at Cherwell Boathouse, Oxford, on Monday 8th January. Additional information regarding the event will be provided in the near future.

Tours of MAST-U:

We will be offering tours of MAST-U and the MAST-U EBW area for all participants. Further details regarding the tours will be made available soon.  


Sponsorship Proposals

MHz Sponsor: £250 contribution

  • Multiple Sponsors accepted
  • Sponsor’s Logo included web page and publicities

GHz Sponsor: £500 contribution

  • Multiple Sponsors accepted
  • Sponsor’s Logo included web page and publicities
  • Sponsor’s Logo will be printed Drinks card at conference dinner

THz Sponsor: £750 contribution

  • Single Sponsor accepted
  • Sponsor’s Logo included web page and publicities
  • Sponsor’s Logo will be printed Drinks card at conference dinner
  • Sponsor will be acknowledge for the refreshments at the workshop

The contributions will be used to:

  • Support undergraduate and graduate student travels to workshop
  • Provide £50 pound prize to best under-graduate and graduate presentation
  • Support the workshop drinks for post graduates and undergraduates
  • Support refreshment breaks for all participants 
  • Remaining funds will be carried over to next year’s workshop